on monday the weather was really nice for a change. it was sunny and quite warm and the kids could play outside until the late afternoon - which they did with lots of excitement.
this is the view we woke to on tuesday:
even the streets were covered. the walk to kindergarten was a nightmare that day! the sidewalks were mostly unswept, the snow was very wet and heavy. the buggy slipped and slithered and i occasionally had to push it diagonally because the wheels had no grip at all.
the snow was blowing from all sides, R cried most of the way home because she got the wind and the cold drizzle right in her face. i think it was the most exhausting walk i had in a long time - especially as i was feeling ill already and spent the bigger part of the rest of the day on the sofa with a terrible headache, sore throat, stiff neck and cold shivers. i didn't even feel like knitting - that's saying a lot...
i have to say i'm really sick of the cold and rainy weather! i had only observed the week before how many bushes and smaller trees had big buds and small fresh leaves already. the wild garlic is sprouting and in lots of front yards i saw big buds of daffodils, some of them open already... and then: SNOW! WHY? the kids got really excited about it and if it were the second half of december, or february, i would have been too. but in the middle of march...? NO!
well i guess at least it's now so it hopefully won't be in april or even may - which has been known to happen.
and what do you know...? it's friday and we are having the second day of sunshine and comparative warmth... so maybe the cold is finally over now! (i wish my cold was finally over now too...)
today was the last day of school (for my husband) and kindergarten (for T) and now we have easter holidays. finally...