hi! i'm just popping in really quickly to let you know that i'm still here.
autumn is starting to show it's beautiful face. the mornings are fresh and cold already but the sunshine is gloriously golden and glaring...
there are some magnificent spiderwebs to be found too.
we are currently in the middle of moving madness. the place is a (more or less organized) mess! every inch of free wall space is taken up by towers of boxes. shelves are piled up in their individual parts. we save all the newspapers and junk mail that's suitable for wrapping dishes and kitchenware. we sort through things, sort out things, throw out things... (as best as we can anyway - i tend to get stupidly sentimental when i have to get rid of stuff, even if i haven't used it in ages. makes the whole thing kind of more difficult.)
the kids have been really great. they bear all the chaos really well and even want and try to be helpful (at least in T's case. i even got him to sort through his books and some of his toys already to see what he can live without. i might have to go through it all again though...)
we get our keys in FOUR DAYS! i can hardly wait! it feels like once we're allowed in and can start to move things over to the new home and out of the way at the old home everything will just be like a line of falling dominos: we have more space to manoeuvre boxes and bigger pieces of furniture, the new kitchen will be delivered - there's a hiccup with that though as we've been informed today that the people in charge of that messed up and the whole assembling and putting in place of the kitchen will be a week later than we've expected and actually booked for; but there's no use in yelling at the customer service lady (which is why i let my wonderful husband handle that sort of thing because i'm sure i would have yelled). then we have the movers come in next weekend to do the heavy lifting...
...and the weekend after that is T's birthday. after all of that (and a bit of cleaning up the old place) i think i can breath and relax a little.
i'm looking forward to being in the new place, slowly unpacking and arranging things... i hope to be mostly done with it before the christmas season starts (but i also hope i'm not being overly optimistic with that).
anyway, once the worst is over i'll be back to show some knitting and crafting again. until then you'll just have to knit, crochet, spin and craft a little extra for me, okay? =)
love to you all!